Points to talk about:
- Second project: BLOCKING …
- Convergence point to check (see document): if ok, good.
- Artificial benchmarks: still not working for PB; to ask for a possibility to have a talk on the implementation (similar to the reunion between Christophe, Viviane, Sébastien and Charles on the performance of the progressive barrier for Nomad 4); the reunion with the whole team did not bring me something last time (about the PB): to avoid.
- Engineering benchmarks (running at this time): Data profiles or convergence plots : discussion. For all of these problems : is it normal to have high values (around 1e20 sometimes) ?
- Third project: thinking, focusing on the epsilon method.
- PHD (general)
- Possibility to extend the session for three months: the goal is to finish in april 2022, not december 2021; the question of funding.
- How to proceed for the redaction; one big block at the end, or chapter by chapter (start for the litterature review) ?
- Possibility to take a course for the autumn semester : parallelism or advanced optimization.
- Post doc research (the arlesienne of these meetings)
- Laboratoire Argonne (but can we come back into academia ?)
- IBM Watson center
- Waterloo (contact Tom Coleman)
- Mc Gill
- Lehigh University
- Georgia tech; take a look at the department of mathematics (we can always dream)
- Universty of Edimburgh