===== Meeting 2022-04-07 ===== Title : **Discussion of alternative research projects** Presentation by ­"[[groupe-dfo-bbo:acteurs:profs:sebastien-le-digabel:main-page|Sébastien Le Digabel]] & [[groupe-dfo-bbo:acteurs:profs:charles-audet:main-page|Charles Audet]]". Online attendance on Webex. Two subjects of equal interest: Search steps in MADS : - **Speculative-line search and DiRect based strategy:** Cpp, Nomad & other tools, working closely with Research professional [[groupe-dfo-bbo:acteurs:assorec:christophe-tribes:main-page|Christophe Tribes]]. Possible applications in Bayesian Optimization (MSc/PhD). - **Termination criteria of BBO algorithms:** Pure research, place to creativity, testing and intuition. Close to initial subject. ToDo: Get familiar with Cpp. Add Rosenbrock function to examples in Nomad and test.